18 Hemlock Street, Latham, NY 12110


First Day of Classes

Monday September 19th

Halloween Celebrations


Costumes may be worn to class.

 24th- 30th

October 31st- Closed 

Trunk or Treat​

October 20th


Thanksgiving Recess - Closed

November 27th-30th

Holiday Recess - Closed

December 23rd - January 1st

Martin Luther King Day- Closed 

January 20th

Winter Recess - Closed

February 15th-21st

Spring Recess - Closed 

April 14th-20th

Memorial Day - Closed 

May 24th-26th

Picture Day

Sunday June 1st


Saturday June 14th

11:00 am & 3:00 pm Show

The Egg - Empire State Plaza

Class Calendar

  • See the Chalkboard for important information and Monthly Birthdays!


Click on "parent portal" to register 

Why Dance at Turning Pointe Dance Center

We at TPDC believe very strongly in three core values that create a strong foundation for every type of dancer:

All of our TPDC instructors and assistants pride themselves on teaching proper technique to each and every one of our dancers. We recognize that proper dance technique is integral to our dancers being able to further their dance careers in whichever way they may choose, and we also realize how important solid technique is to injury prevention.

Accompanied by our emphasis on solid and proper dance technique, we take every opportunity to let our artistry in choreography shine on stage. All of our instructors thrive in the creative environment of dance choreography, and we all love to watch our young dancers bring our visions to life. We also enjoy passing the love of choreography on to our older, more experienced dancers by teaching them how to choreograph their own routines. 

And finally, we view our dance studio as an extension of our families. Over the last 10 years, we have welcomed dozens upon dozens of families into our fold to create a solid "dance family" here on Hemlock Street. We adore every family who joins our nest and we foster the same values that people encourage and teach at home: respect, acceptance and kindness. We do not tolerate bullying - in fact we hold in very high regard our anti-bullying policy, which we take incredibly seriously. We treat every dancer with the same amount of care and compassion, and we vow to do everything we can to make sure all who join our dance family have fun and feel welcomed and appreciated.

Happy 16th Anniversary TPDC!

We are so excited to dance with you this season!

Turning Pointe Dance Center

General Information

  • Fall Classes begin Monday September 9th
  • Open House Dates: 
  • - August 14th & Setpember3rd
  • - 4:30-6:30pm

2024-2025 Our 16th Season!!